sexual abuse signs

What is Clare's Law

The Domestic Violence Disclosure Scheme (DVDS) also known as Clare’s Law, allows any member of the public to ask the police if their partner or former partner may pose a risk to them. Once an application is made, police and partner agencies will carry out a range of checks. They will consider disclosing this information if the checks reveal a record of abusive offences or suggest a risk of violence or abuse.

The process is named after Clare Wood, who was murdered by her ex-boyfriend George Appleton in 2009. Clare had met Appleton on Facebook and was not aware of his horrific history of violence against women, including repeated harassment, threats and the kidnapping at knifepoint of one of his ex-partners. Appleton strangled Clare and set her on fire before taking his own life in Salford, Greater Manchester.

This scheme enables the police to release information about any previous history of violence or abuse a person might have.

Under Clare's Law you can:

  • apply for information about your current or ex-partner because you're worried they may have a history of abuse and are a risk to you
  • request information about the current or ex-partner of a friend or relative because you're worried they might be at risk


Request information under Clare's Law: Make a Domestic Violence Disclosure Scheme (DVDS) application | Leicestershire Police (

Annual Stakeholder Event for The YP Project

Annual Stakeholder Event for The YP Project

On the 27th November, Freeva hosted our annual stakeholder event for The YP Project in Leicester to raise awareness of the project, thank and gain feedback from our stakeholders, and to promote a multi-agency collaboration across the county to further improve our service offering for young people. In attendance were Leicestershire Police, The Police Commissioner, Leicestershire Council and Leicester City Football Club.

The Freeva and Jenkins Centre team presented the YP Project to the attendees, outlining its impact on the community and sharing real recordings of service testimonials from those who have personally benefited from the project. A client also attended the event and bravely spoke about her experience working with The YP Project and how it has changed her life. The response to the event was overwhelmingly positive and we’re pleased to have received a wealth of helpful feedback from stakeholders.

Freeva would like to thank all those who attended and whose continued support enables us to offer, and continually improve, our vital services to those who need it most.

The YP Project provides specialised support to young people aged 10-18 years who use abusive behaviours towards their parents, carers or other family members, as well as supporting the individuals experiencing the abuse. The aim of the project is to help young people break out of abusive cycles and equip them with the tools to form and restore healthy, respectful relationships with their family members.

 You can find out more about The YP Project here. 


The Silent Victims: How Does Domestic Abuse Impact Children?

Domestic violence casts a long and dark shadow not only over its immediate victims but also over the most vulnerable members of our society – children. Being in the same room or house where domestic violence is taking place, and consequently being able to see or hear it happening, can affect a child just as severely as if they themselves were being physically hurt or abused.

Domestic abuse can impact children to such an extent, that the Domestic Abuse Act 2021 recognises that any child witnessing domestic abuse, is also a victim.

Children who witness domestic violence face a multitude of challenges that can significantly impact their emotional, social, and psychological development. In this blog, we will be outlining the devastating effects that domestic violence can have on children, and highlighting the importance of understanding and addressing these issues to break the cycle of violence.

Short Term

Emotional Impact

Witnessing domestic violence can have profound and immediate emotional consequences on children. In the short term, they may experience a range of intense emotions such as fear, anxiety, a diminished sense of self-worth, and confusion as a result of their traumatic experiences. Witnessing violence within their home, a place of supposed safety, can significantly disrupt their sense of security and stability, leaving them incredibly distressed. Children may also grapple with feelings of helplessness and guilt, often blaming themselves for the aggression that they are witnessing. This emotional toll can manifest itself in disrupted sleep patterns, nightmares, and heightened stress levels, severely affecting their overall well-being. Constant exposure to such traumatic behaviour can also alter a child’s perception and understanding of relationships, trust, and safety, potentially putting them at risk of developing serious long-term mental health issues, such as depression and PTSD.

The emotional repercussions of witnessing domestic violence can be devastating, highlighting the importance of seeking the right interventions and support to mitigate the lasting effects of domestic abuse on a child’s emotional wellbeing and development.

Behavioural Changes

The behavioural impact of witnessing domestic violence can be equally profound for children. Often, when exposed to this trauma children may exhibit immediate changes in their behaviour as a coping mechanism. They may become withdrawn, displaying signs of social isolation and shyness, or conversely, act out in anger and defiance, mirroring the violent behaviours they have witnessed to incorporate aggression into their own interactions. In pre-school aged children, the stress and anxiety induced by a volatile environment in the home can lead to a regression in developmental milestones, meaning they may begin to exhibit the behaviours of a much younger child, such as bed-wetting, thumb-sucking and frequent crying or whining. Children may also begin to struggle with heightened separation anxiety, and show signs of extreme fear through behaviours like stuttering and hiding.

This broad spectrum of possible behavioural changes aren’t just a disruption to a child’s daily life, but they can also seriously hinder academic performance and social relationships.

Educational Challenges

The turmoil experienced at home as a result of domestic abuse can also follow a child to school, presenting further challenges throughout their education. The above emotional and behavioural issues often impede a child’s ability to focus, concentrate, retain information, and participate in classroom activities. These factors can make it incredibly difficult for a child to progress through school as normal, and they may experience serious academic setbacks as a result. In addition to potential issues in the classroom, children may also struggle socially at school. The behavioural problems that can arise from witnessing domestic abuse in the home may lead to disciplinary problems in academic settings, as well as potential social isolation, as a child struggles to form healthy relationships with peers.

Early recognition and appropriate interventions are crucial in mitigating these educational obstacles for a child and fostering a path towards academic success and emotional well-being.

Long Term

Mental Health

The long-term ramifications of witnessing domestic violence early in life often manifest in persistent emotional and psychological difficulties that can continue into adulthood. Individuals who witness domestic abuse when they are growing up are at an increased risk of developing serious mental health conditions such as complex post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety, depression and emotionally unstable personality disorder. The impact of living with this type of trauma, and any subsequent mental health issues, can disrupt many aspects of an adult’s life, presenting challenges with financial stability, relationships and work.


The long-term effects of witnessing abuse during childhood can significantly impact a person’s ability to form and maintain healthy relationships later in life. Exposure to domestic violence can shape a child’s understanding of interpersonal dynamics, trust, and emotional intimacy. Individuals who have witnessed abuse may struggle with establishing secure attachments, often experiencing difficulties in trusting others or forming deep connections. The fear, anxiety, and unpredictability associated with domestic violence can contribute to challenges in communication, conflict resolution, and emotional vulnerability. These individuals may grapple with insecurities, fear of abandonment, or a heightened sensitivity to perceived threats within their relationships.

Children will learn from the behaviour of the adults around them, meaning the patterns of unhealthy and abusive behaviour that they’ve witnessed growing up can become an internalised blueprint for their own relationships in adulthood. This means that aggression cam be unintentionally replicated and they may go on to become an abuser themselves, perpetuating a cycle of dysfunction.

Breaking free from the long-term impacts of witnessing abuse often requires therapeutic intervention and support to help individuals build a foundation for healthy, positive relationships in adulthood.

Risky Behaviours

The trauma of witnessing domestic violence can increase the likelihood of an individual engaging in risky behaviours later in life, such as substance abuse. People who have experienced the stress and emotional turmoil of an abusive environment may turn to substances such as drugs or alcohol as a way to numb painful memories and escape overwhelming emotions. The lack of healthy coping mechanisms learned during formative years, coupled with the desire to dull emotional pain, can lead to a higher risk of substance abuse in adulthood. Additionally, as we know that those who witness abuse are at an increased risk of developing mental health issues, this further heightens the likelihood that they may engage in risky behaviours.

Tackling substance abuse often requires comprehensive specialist support that addresses both the emotional scars from witnessing abuse and provides healthier coping mechanisms for navigating life’s challenges.


Each child responds differently to their experiences of abuse and trauma. The sooner they are able to receive the help and support they need, the easier it will be for them to heal. A specialist worker will be able to help them begin to process their memories, learn how to form healthy relationships and coping mechanisms, and ultimately facilitate their growth into a strong, well-rounded adult.

If you are concerned that your child may be suffering because they have witnessed domestic abuse, contact us today and we can help you to choose the right path for your child.

1 in 3 children who witness domestic abuse, go on to become a victim. Talk to us. Change starts with a conversation.

living in a pandemic

Living in a Pandemic  

Living in a Pandemic  

Our first instincts as humans when faced with crisis or threat is to turn to other humans, to seek solace, to seek connection, to try to stay safe and to try to make sense of what is happening. However, in this Pandemic we are being told: To stay away! That crowds are dangerous! Even people are dangerous! Do not go see your elderly mum or grandma, as we could dangerous!Read more

Young Woman Comforting Her Upset and Sad Friend Outdoor

Freeva | What Is Sexual Abuse?

What Is Sexual Abuse?

Q. What is Sexual Abuse?

A. Sexual abuse is any sexual act, attempt to obtain a sexual act, unwanted sexual comments or advances, or acts to traffic, or otherwise, directed against a person’s sexuality using coercion, by any person regardless of their relationship to the victim, in any setting, including but not limited to home and work.

Read more

domestic abuse

What Is Domestic Abuse And Signs

What Is Domestic Abuse And Signs

Q: What is domestic abuse?

A: Domestic abuse is categorised by any incident or pattern of incidents of controlling, coercive or threatening behaviour, violence or abuse between those aged 16 or over who are or have been intimate partners or family members.

If you are suffering from physical, sexual, psychological, financial abuse or/and are being threatened, intimidated or stalked by a current or previous partner or close family member, it is likely you could be experiencing domestic abuse.Read more

Freeva charity blog

If I leave a window open 

If I leave a window open 

If I leave a window open, am I asking to be burgled?

A person walking past decides to accept my open invitation to enter my home, as clearly my window is open and what else could that possibly indicate?

Surely its my fault for leaving the window open and I am responsible for that person actions?

Am I asking for it if I… wear a short skirt or dress

Am I asking for it if I…accept a drink from another

Am I asking for it if I… am dancing or flirtatious

Am I asking for it if I… am under the influence of alcohol or/and drugs

Am I asking for it if I…walk down a low lit area

Am I asking for it if I… invite someone into my home

The answer is NO, no one asks to be assaulted, just like no one asks or wants to be burgled. You cannot be responsible for someone else's actions. Rather than focusing attention upon a victim’s behaviour and character, lets focus on the wrongdoing of the one perpetrating the acts.

So just like an open window is not open invitation, wearing a short skirt or dress is also not an open invitation to touch or enter without permission!

You are not to blame, you did not ask for it and we are here for you. ''


Sophie Gifford
Counselling Co-ordinator