Make A Referral

Freeva Charity

Make A Referral (Professionals)

Please note that referrals are only accepted with client consent unless safeguarding risk overrides consent. You will be asked to confirm this before being able to progress with the form. Please ensure the form is completed in full including support needs and background information. We will also need information about the alleged perpetrator to ensure robust safety planning.

Domestic Abuse Support

The Online referral link is for primary victims of domestic abuse.

Online Referral Form

You can also download and submit a completed referral via email:


Secure email:

Please note that professionals will only be able to send emails to this account if they are sending it from a secure email such as cjsm or pnn (police) email address.

Domestic Abuse Support Referral Form

Sexual Violence Support Service

Please complete the following referral form and submit via email


Secure Email:

(please note you can’t use CJSM mail from your outlook/corporate email)

Sexual Violence Referral Form
Information for Professionals