Freeva charity blog

If I leave a window open 

If I leave a window open 

If I leave a window open, am I asking to be burgled?

A person walking past decides to accept my open invitation to enter my home, as clearly my window is open and what else could that possibly indicate?

Surely its my fault for leaving the window open and I am responsible for that person actions?

Am I asking for it if I… wear a short skirt or dress

Am I asking for it if I…accept a drink from another

Am I asking for it if I… am dancing or flirtatious

Am I asking for it if I… am under the influence of alcohol or/and drugs

Am I asking for it if I…walk down a low lit area

Am I asking for it if I… invite someone into my home

The answer is NO, no one asks to be assaulted, just like no one asks or wants to be burgled. You cannot be responsible for someone else's actions. Rather than focusing attention upon a victim’s behaviour and character, lets focus on the wrongdoing of the one perpetrating the acts.

So just like an open window is not open invitation, wearing a short skirt or dress is also not an open invitation to touch or enter without permission!

You are not to blame, you did not ask for it and we are here for you. ''


Sophie Gifford
Counselling Co-ordinator